【公式】土屋圭市、GRカローラ モリゾウ エディション GRカローラ 乗り比べ試乗! COROLLA MORIZO EDITION



GRカローラ RZ ギア比・・・3.538/2.238/1.535/1.162/1.081/0.902
MORIZO Editionギア比・・・3.214/2.238/1.592/1.162/1.081/0.902
GRカローラ RZ ファイナル・・・3.450
MORIZO Editionファイナル・・・3.578
車重はMORIZO Editionが40kg軽量、タイヤも235から245に拡大!

[Official] Keiichi Tsuchiya, GR Corolla, GR Corolla Morizo Edition Test Drive! COROLLA MORIZO EDITION

This time, I had the opportunity to ride the GR Corolla as soon as possible during the coverage of Cartop magazine, which is scheduled to be released next time, so I took a picture.
Please see the CAR top of the next issue for details of the vehicle.
I hope you can enjoy it with the video and the magazine ^^

Posted by asami